Jan 31, 2011

Seven Months

Our little man is seven months, can you believe it? The last month has been so busy, It just seemed to rush by. Ben had a hard time re-adjusting to everything after returning home from Alberta. He seemed to forget how to sleep and eat like he did before we left. So needless to say, we did some sleep training and he is now taking a bottle and no longer nursing. ( And we have never been happier!! )  He sleeps from 7:30pm till 7:30am every night with waking once a night for a bottle. He eats three meals a day - he loves peas, carrots, squash, sweet potato and any kind of fruit. He has grown so much in the last few months it's just so amazing. It seems like every other day he is learning how to do something new. He now says momma along with dada. He says dada when he is playing and he's happy and when he is sad or needs me he calls out momma in a little sad voice - so cute!
7 month photo shoot day 1 

                                              7 month photo shoot day 2

Bath time with his new toy from great aunt Michelle

Silly Faces


  1. Anonymous01:29

    Yep they keep growing and you love them so much and want them to stay little in your arms...then there 3ft tall, going in kindergarten....oh my goodness....so blessed to be a mom!! Love your blog!! Very beautifully done Sam!

  2. Anonymous01:30

    It's Andrea...I just don't know how to post - to which profile?
