Jan 16, 2011

offence taken

Ben and I go to several different mommy and baby groups around our area, but for some reason never went to the one in our own town. So I thought we would go and check it out a few days ago. Since we were new there of course the facilitator came over and was introducing everyone and trying to get to know Ben and I. It was all great until she said to me "So when do you have to go back to highschool?"  REALLY??? I was so upset.. I know that I look young but seriously..highschool! It has always bugged me a little when I get young comments but I think it does even more so now that I have had Ben. I would hate to think that I am an unwed, single mother in highschool! I know that in 20 or so years I will appreciate it but not now..


  1. Get used to it! I still get it too. I have 2 kids, and a wedding ring! I guess that means we both need bigger wedding rings!

  2. You're right Sam you will hugely appreciate it in a few years! But don't worry the people who matter who actually know you,know the real story! And you did it all the right way and have a beautiful boy to show for it!
