Oct 28, 2011

Video Friday

I am going to try to post a new video every Friday to keep things updated...

so here is today's

Benjamin will sometimes play in his crib before or after nap time. There has been times he will play for over an hour. He just sits and talks, laughs, plays with his mobile or bangs around the plastic crib saver.
There was a time when we heard a loud "bang" and Josh and I both ran upstairs thinking he fell out of his crib.. to find the crib saver half way across the room!

Oct 21, 2011

potty time

Ever since Benjamin could walk we have been trying to get him to use the potty, some days are great and others not so much. I know it's a little early but the sooner he is out of diapers the better!

i'm "pinning"

Another thing that has kept me away for so long is a little thing callled Pintrest. As most of you who know me have heard me talking about pintrest and how AMAZING it is.

It is a website where you can find anything from home decore, DIY ideas, holiday ideas, crafts, hair ideas, quotes, photo's pretty much everything.

When I actually get a chance to use the computer that's where I head.. and usually get lost for quite some time. I have learned great hairstyles, cleaning tips, organizing ideas we even made out own homemade laundry and dish soap with receipes from the site.

It has CHANGED my life ( and everyone else's I have introduced the website too )

take a look if you havn't already ..... www.pintrest.com


Benjamin has gone to daycare once a week for the past few weeks. I always ask them how he was.. and this is what I was told last time..

"well he growls alot... and he is not patient around snack time - he demands to be fed by yelling at me.

 lol what a kid!

long overdue

I think this blog is due for a little update.

I have so much to blog about but can't seem to find the time to do it!

Between work, house cleaning, running around after a busy toddler and  trying to get the most out of the last few nice days of fall.. once Benjamin is in bed I give up on the day and retire.

I don't know how many people get around to reading this but if you do feel free to leave comments.. It might keep me more motivated :)

stay tuned...