Aug 24, 2011

Josh's Birthday

Usually every year on our birthdays we try to do a day trip. Josh has been talking about the Lion Safari for months, so I purchased him tickets a few weeks before. We stayed overnight in Cambridge so it was a short drive in the morning. It was a little rainy but the locals said that was the best time to go

 We have been there a few times now and I have to say this by far was the best trip yet!
             Maybe because we got to see and do just about everything the park had to offer, or maybe because the animals were all out and playing but I think the best part was seeing how much fun Benjamin and Josh were having. It was so adorable listening to Benjamin doing all the animal noises. or watching Josh get excited when the lion came right up to our car and was roaring at our window!
On there way to the swimming hole

beautiful Lioness


Don`t worry- completely legal - at least other people were doing it too. Benjamin thought it was the greatest thing ever sitting in the front seat. He would not sit still - pressing buttons, climbing all over, honking the horn!

Monkey came right onto our car!

What are you lookin` at

Rhino skull

we also took a train ride through the park - if your wondering about Benjamin`s head- this is actually with a few days of healing - He fell down face first onto cement. poor guy

baby peacocks

They walked alongside of the train - I think josh even pet one as we went by

  • Benjamin giving mommy kisses ( I try to get as many as possible in day)

these birds were so incredible - they could say something like 40 words and tunes.

can`t leave without a souviner

Aug 22, 2011

StoryBook Gardens

Josh and I were trying to plan a little get away, nothing special just to do something different. I really wanted to bring Benjamin but he wanted to have a night to ourselves. So we compromised, the first day we would have to ourselves and the second we would spend as a family.
So Josh and I went to London-we stayed at this beautiful hotel it was just a bestwestern but it had really nice rooms and beautiful pool area with a water slide and hot tub.
We also had a nice dinner there, then off to see Harry Potter in 3D!
The next day Josh's mom, Amy ( Jake's girlfriend), Benjamin and our cousin Emma met us at Story book Gardens.
Benjamin and Daddy on a ride
                                 There were a few animals out and about
                                             watching the seals swim
 But if I were to guess what Benjamin's favourites of the day were; it would be the sand and water place, bubbles and the water park.

It took us a long time to get him to come out and into the water park to clean off.
Benjamin was so tired by the end of the day he actually fell asleep on the little train.
 all and all it was a great day, everyone had fun and a big thank you to Nana for watching Benjamin overnight so we could have a date night :)

Aug 18, 2011

time needs to slow down

lately I feel like days have been going by way too fast..
It seems like everyday Benjamin is learning something new, and just when I want to take a picture, blog or talk about it he has learned something else. He just went in for his one year check up. He is 28  inch's long and 22 pounds. A little small for his age, but quite perfect for me. He did so amazing getting his shots, he only fussed for 20 seconds when they first went in but was happy walking around within a minute. I was so proud of him!

He amazes me every single day, after conceiving I had no idea what it meant to love your child. but now I could not remember life without him. He warms my heart with every smile. hug and kiss, he makes me laugh with every silly babble, face and action he makes. Even when he throws his food or his toys or has his little fits, I just smile inside thinking how amazing this little person is. And how each day I love him more and more.

monkeying around

Benjamin`s Grandpa Doug bought him this super cute monkey card for his birthday.
He has been learning about animal sounds - This one might be his favourite.

Aug 11, 2011


It has been crazy hot here the last few weeks, in the 40's ( 100's). So when there hasn't been a heat advisory we have been spending time swimming. As you know Benjamin LOVES the water.
He isn't so crazy about the lake but he is crazy about sand.
Daddy and mommy burried him in the sand..He didn't mind at all.

We have spent a few afternoons Grandpa's playing in the pool.

The only problem is, now that he has a taste of  independence (running around ) can be a battle trying to hold him when he wants to swim on his own

after a chocolate treat <3

daddy trying to teach Benjamin how to swim
Whenever we are at the pool, Benjamin's favourite thing to do is find things to throw into it.