Apr 28, 2012

Late Post - Valentines day

I came across these photo's and realized that I did not post about Valentines Day.

Also another favourite day of mine. ( I am a holiday lover ) So I thought I would share these few photo's.
 Benjamin was invited to a Valentines day Party at his Day home. So for the kids treats I made this really yummy white chocolate popcorn.
 and some equally yummy rice krispie hearts.

But the kids were more interested in eating the cupcakes! lol

 My special Valentine..

Daddy's chocolate bouquet ( lucky guy )

The three of us also got out for a nice Valentines dinner in London. Benjamin was his sweet self as usual, I guess you can say Josh was as well! I was a little sad I did not get a good picture - but I made Benjamin a really cute shirt for Valentines day... you can kind of see it in this picture but it has a big heart and says Mommy's little heart breaker..so cute!


One of my favourite times of the the year, Easter.

why you ask..

One it's a sign that spring and nice weather are just around the corner.

Two you get Candy and Chocolate DUH..

and Three spending that little extra time with the family.

Spring Break

During spring break, Benjamin and I had the opportunity to visit my family out west. It was a short visit but we made the best of the time we had out there. The day before we left it was +29 here and when we arrived in Edmonton there was a foot of snow on the ground! Unfortunately I didn't get a lot of pictures of our trip ( still trying to figure out what's wrong with our new camera.) But I did get a few on my iphone.

 The boys for the most part got along pretty well considering the last time they saw each other Benjamin was just learning to walk!

 We were lucky enough to be there to help celebrate Zachary's 4th birthday! what a great job my big sister did, they kids had a blast. ( and I think some of the parents did too )

The boys all tired out after a few hours of swimming
A few of my favourite people, Benjamin's great grandpa and great grandma. I am so thankful we were able to spend as much time as we did with them.

My mom also made the most of our trip down, spending as much time as she could with us. It's always fun spending time with Crazy Grandma Lisa.

 It's always such a sad thing having to leave, It gets kind of lonely here in Ontario when everyone lives out west, But I am so thankful for the the time I do get to visit with them. I know we are lucky enough to visit as often as we do. It just makes one realize how special family truly is. I love you guys and thanks for the wonderful visit!

Apr 23, 2012

Instagram pictures

In October I decided to upgrade my phone to an Iphone. I had no idea what I was missing out on, I became obsessed pretty quick. It is super fast and so convenient. I can easily check my email, facebook, pinterest and so much more within minutes. Anyways It has a really cool app that can make your pictures look rustic and I use it quite often- Here are a few phone pic's enhanced with the insagram app ( which I guess facebook just bought for over a billion dollars? )

 Benjamin 18 months photo ( I asked him to make a silly face)

Valentines day Celebrations at Daycare

Rocking the monkey hat his Grandma Lisa bought him

Showing Benjamin how the camera works ( big mistake lol )

Benjamins favorite time of the day - Bath time

I Love YOU!

Apr 20, 2012


What is life like when your 30 weeks pregnant, running around after an almost two year old and a husband who is very busy with his new restaurant..... a bit CRAZY!!

These last few months have seem to have gone by so fast.. I have a hard time keeping up to what day of the week it is. So much has been changing and going on in our lives mostly for the good but we have had some bumps. ( as you can imagine with a two year old )

So here's what's been going on in our little family (just in case you might want to know )

There is a new restaurant in town called the Black Goose Grill, and I am proud to say my husband has a lot to do with it. He is part owner and operator, and also one of their best cooks. ( he makes the best soups!) When it first opened a few months back he was working 10-12 hour days - on the phone constantly when he wasn't there and I think  he even worked 30 something days straight ( not fun for wife and son ). But it all paid off. The restaurant is beautiful and crazy busy all the time! here is the website if you want to check it out... http://theblackgoose.ca/about.htm

Where do I start to tell you about our little man..
Well he is approaching his second birthday and let me tell you this...his personality is ALL his father's. I am starting to realize why parents made up "time outs" because it's just as much for them as it is for the child! He is developing into this most amazing little person who melts my heart one second and makes me want to scream the next. He is so, so so, so busy, running here and there. Just a few days ago he realized he can climb up anything in the house. I turn around and he is somewhere he wasn't 3 seconds before. He has changed so much in the past few months it's hard to believe he is the same little guy. there is so much more to tell..

But I will move on for now.. I will be 31 pregnant in a few days and all I can say is this pregnancy is WAY different than it was the first time around. Not that its harder but just different.. I am so anxious to have this baby, but my to do lists keep getting longer and longer with no end in sight. As of now we have no names picked out but really hope to before she comes along. Her due date is June 26th ( a week after Benjamin's 2nd birthday )   

p,s I am so sad to say that there is a shortage of pictures and video's due to someone ( JOSH ) accidentally deleting them ALL! so I apologize so the lack of photo's.

Apr 15, 2012

I'm back

...and hopefully for good.

I have been neglecting this blog so much for the last few months, I always have it down on my to do list but updating always gets bumped to the bottom of it. I am not sure if many family or friends get a chance to read the blog but just a little FYI.. a little feedback is good motivation. If I knew more people are interested I might become more motivated to update lol ;)

So many things I want to blog about and will within the next few days!!

stay tuned