Finally .. I know... this post is LONG over due..
I will start off by saying how lucky I am to have had both my mother and my sister at both of our children's birth. It was an experience I don't think I could have done with out either one of them there. Also my mother in law.. she was a HUGE help with Benjamin..Thank you to you three special woman in my life!
Now on to the birth.. I won't go into too many details but let me tell you that it was nothing like the first time around. Although it was painful and I didn't have any form of drugs.. I look back thinking I wouldn't do it any other way. We decided to go with a midwife this time and it was one of the best decisions we have ever made.. they made a world of a difference and I am so thankful for there services and support.

I was overdue by two days when I decided to go for acupuncture.. I had a lot of "false" labour contractions and since I am pretty certain acupuncture put me into labour the first time around I thought I should try it again.. sure enough the second day of acupuncture I had strong contractions leaving the place. That night they continued on and off waking up at 9 am to them being pretty consistent getting stronger and longer and closer together. We ended up going to the hospital in Chatham around 11...and finding out I was only 4 cent. Around 1230 I made it to 5 and I decided to have them break my water. After that it seemed to go by so fast.. I went into the jet tub and they started to come hard and fast.. sure enough I had enough and had to lay down.. At this time I was only 8 and felt this was going to take forever.. I started doubting myself thinking I have 10 more hours of this I couldn't do it anymore.. Just when I was yelling for drugs.. it was 3:02pm and I needed to push.. the midwife doubted me a little but sure enough it was go time....

9 minutes into pushing the midwife told me to open my eyes, and listen to her carefully..the cord is around her neck and I need to push NOW.... two minutes later, I had her by the head pulling her to my chest..crying and all.. she was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen... ( along side Benjamin)..And at this point I was in heaven .. a feeling I never felt with Benjamin ( due to being on pain killers) Total bliss seeing your baby for the first time after nine months wondering who she was.
Benjamin and Theresa, were there shortly after her birth.. Benjamin was so excited.. he came running up and kissed her..most precious moment ever.. just melted my heart to see the love in his eyes..
Although she didn't have a name until the next day 10 minutes before leaving the hospital.. it was the only name we could agree on and it seemed to just suit her perfectly...
Olivia Anne Childs
8lbs 5oz.
Born at 3:13pm
June 30th, 2012