Here are a few photo's from the past couple of weeks. Between my birthday, new programs starting up, two state side shopping trips and a bunch of other things in between we have been pretty busy...
Because this kid looks adorable in every hat imaginable....
Because he started standing up in his crib this month.... ( I get to see this cute little morning face every day )
Because Ben loves watching T.V with Daddy....
Because Ben loves to lounge on Daddy's bean bag chair...
Because he was waiting so patiently for Daddy to get his hair cut...
Because this is what Josh's hair now looks like....
Because this is how he fell asleep at his Nana's after celebrating my birthday....
Because this is the best $5 I've spent lately ..his new favorite toy ( video to follow soon )
Because this is why he loves shopping...
And his Nana..
And finally because we went shopping again lol...