- is 28 inch's long ( still a little shorty like his mom though )
- weighs 17lbs 11onz ( just doubled his birth weight )
- loves to eat still (one day he will love something,one day he will hate it )
- crawls faster and faster ( we now know what we need to baby proof )
- he loves to stand, he is so excited when he pulls himself up ( so proud )
- no new teeth, just the two on the bottom
As most of you already know Ben has such an amazing personality already. Just a little man, he is so sweet and precious when he is happy but boy when he is upset. He will let you know right away if he is displeased (washing his face is a huge deal ). But I will take the unhappy for the happy any day, just one smile can last forever!oh and I forgot to mention... no signs of a gluten allergy at all!! yay!